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Туры Камчатку


Цены на туры Камчатку 2025-2026

Россия, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – на снегоходе на Авачинский перевал и на мыс Маячный – питомник ездовых собак

2024 год:
Декабрь: 30.12

2025 год:
Январь: 02.01, 05.01, 12.01, 19.01, 26.01
Февраль: 02.02, 09.02, 16.02, 23.02
Март: 02.03, 09.03, 16.03, 23.03, 30.03

7 дней / 6 ночей

от 110.000на чел.

и получить кешбэк 20%

Россия, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – Долина Гейзеров – Морская прогулка в район бухты Русской – Джип-тур к Южной группе вулканов – Курильское озеро – Малкинские горячие источники – вулкан Авачинский

2025 год:
Июль: 13.07, 27.07
Август: 10.08
Сентябрь: 07.09

8 дней / 7 ночей

от 290.000на чел.

и получить кешбэк 20%

Россия, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – Морская прогулка к острову Старичков – гора Верблюд – питомник ездовых собак – купание в Зеленовских Озерках – Вилючинский водопад – берег Тихого океана

2025 год:
Июнь: 01.06, 08.06, 15.06

7 дней / 6 ночей

от 112.000на чел.

и получить кешбэк 20%

Россия, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – остров Старичков – Дачные термальные источники – Водопад Снежный Барс – Сплав с рыбалкой по реке Быстрой – Авачинский вулкан – Гора Верблюд – берег Тихого океана

2025 год:
Июнь: 17.06, 24.06
Июль: 01.07, 08.07, 15.07, 22.07, 29.07
Август: 05.08, 12.08, 19.08, 26.08
Сентябрь: 02.09, 09.09

8 дней / 7 ночей

от 116.500на чел.

и получить кешбэк 20%

Россия, г. Петропавловск-Камчатский – Русская бухта – Дачные горячие источники – Сплав с рыбалкой по реке Быстрая – гора Верблюд – вулкан Авачинский – берег Тихого океана – массив Вачкажец

2025 год:
Июль: 08.07, 15.07, 22.07, 29.07
Август: 05.08, 12.08, 19.08, 26.08
Сентябрь: 02.09

10 дней / 9 ночей

от 186.000на чел.

и получить кешбэк 20%

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Отдых Камчатке

Kamchatka Peninsula in the most distant east of Russia. Kamchatka, a landmass practically identical in size to Japan, is washed by the Pacific Ocean and the Bering and Okhotskoe Seas. 

This district is scantily populated, averaging under 1 individual for each square kilometer. The majority of the occupants live in the local capital, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, yet a customary lifestyle proceeds in the promontory's numerous scattered towns. 

The pink range on the guide of Russia is the Kamchatka Krai which incorporates a portion of the territory toward the north. 

Time zone 

Kamchatka time is 11 hours in front of UTC (UTC+11) and 8 hours in front of Moscow Time (MSK+8). 


The atmosphere is cruel in the northern district - sub-ice, on the coast - the ocean with the rainstorm character in the inland regions - mainland. Winter is long, frigid, normal temperatures in January and February from - 12 ° C ... - 24° C. Summer is short, cool and blustery, the normal temperature in July and August from 10 ° C up to 16 ° C . 


Amid the producing streams of Kamchatka are drawing in extensive quantities of vacationers - devotees of angling, and in addition regular anglers - Kamchatka's bears. Numerous waterways of Kamchatka are useful for the game of rafting. 

In the focal point of Kamchatka is found Eurasia's just Geyser Valley. More than 150 warm springs are scattered all through the promontory. 


In Kamchatka, around 220 types of winged creatures. Of these, Pacific gulls, puffins, cormorants Bering Sea, the Pacific dark guillemot, guillemot, Fulmars are agents of the bazaars. Set of delegates of ruthless fauna, including the Steller's ocean bird, ocean bird, brilliant bird, peregrine bird of prey, osprey, falcon owl, and so forth. 

Fauna of area well evolved creatures are: the Kamchatka sable, ermine, otter, bunny, muskrat, fox, moose, caribou, bighorn sheep, lynx, polar wolf, skunk, weasel, and so on. From the vast savage creatures of the woodland zone most obvious and best known perspective was and remains the Kamchatka chestnut bear. 

In spite of the fact that the greenery, as is normal for northern locales, is not checked by differing qualities, more than a large portion of the world's Steller's Sea Eagles, and additionally the biggest populace of chestnut bears, are found here. 

On Kamchatka you additionally locate the last extends of Siberian taiga. 

The waters around Kamchatka are inhabitated by the uncommon dim whale and give or take 300,000 seals, ocean lions, otters and other ocean animals. 

Kamchatka is additionally home to one of the biggest surviving wild salmon populaces left on the planet. 

Extensive piece of the Kamchatka landmass is designated for secured ranges. Among them - the 3 state holds, 5 national stops, 8 stores and 23 government - nearby, 105 common destinations, 2 spa regions, and some different sorts of ensured territories. 


Volcanoes are the fundamental attractions of the Kamchatka Peninsula. A sum of Kamchatka has more than 160 volcanoes, of which 30 is viewed as dynamic. The biggest dynamic volcanoes on the landmass — Klyuchevskoy (the biggest fountain of liquid magma in Eurasia with elevation 4750 m), Ichinsky, Koryak and Kronotsky slope. 

Volcanoes are incorporated in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. 

Since volcanic movement is related development of numerous minerals, and in addition the sign of gidrogeotermalnoy action: training fumaroles, fountains, hot springs, and so on. 

Visit Highlights: 


Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky - one of the most established urban communities in the Far East. Established October 17, 1740. All encompassing city visit joined by an anecdote about the way of Petropavlovsk, on the volcanoes encompassing the city and slopes. Amid the visit you will get to know the historical backdrop of the improvement banks Avacha Bay, the arrangement and structure of the city, its originators Bering, Chirikov, the gallant safeguard of the city from the Anglo-French squadron amid the Crimean War, furthermore can appreciate an astonishing all encompassing perspective from the post on Nikolskaya slope. 

Avacha straight 

Avacha sound is a broad profound shut cove of round shape, a region around 215 km2, associating with the Pacific Ocean rather contract strait. Avacha Bay is one of the biggest and most helpful coves on the planet. Straight is exceptionally lovely, on account of the stones, slopes encompassing the shoreline. With inlet perspectives of the Koryak, Avachinsky, Vilyuchinsky fountain of liquid magma. At the passage to the sound you can watch a stone "Three Brothers" are an official landmark of nature and an image of Avachinskaya inlet of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Of the extensive warm blooded creatures discovered ocean otters, ocean calf, ocean lions, humpback whales, executioner whales and dolphins, among the fledglings - ducks, geese, gulls and others. On the shores of the straight can Avachinskaya bears, foxes and different creatures. 

Starichkov Island is an asylum, home to provinces of water fowls. On this little parcel is arranged a couple homes of white-tailed birds, and in addition development little light-footed Largo (variegated seals). On the off chance that you are fortunate, while in transit to the island, you can see dolphins or executioner whales. Starichkov Island is occupied by states of the Bering Sea and the red-confronted Cormorant, Pacific Gull, Kittiwake, Pacific, and spectacled guillemot, Slender-charged murres and Thick, standard old man, puffins and ipatki. 

Bystraya River 

Bystraya (Rapid) River streams along the southern piece of the Mid-Range of Kamchatka, its rate of stream - 0,5-2 m/sec. The profundity of 1-3 meters, width of 20-100 meters. 

These go ahead to bring forth 40 thousand chinook salmon species, more than 300 thousand people sockeye salmon, 20 million pink salmon species (in some product years), more than 100 thousand people of mate salmon and more than 200 thousand people coho salmon. 

Esso settlement 

Bystrinsky area called "Kamchatka Switzerland" and the name compares to the best conceivable route to this lovely normal destinations. Common high temp water outlet in Esso are not excessively copious, but rather underneath the town was found underground aqueous pool, and now the heated water achieves the surface. Water is warmed nurseries and every one of the houses, and additionally supplies of hot warm water swimming pool situated in the heart of the town. 

Nobody going by the town is finished without examination of the presentation Bystrinsky historical center - the main ethnographic exhibition hall in the Kamchatka area. He is a sort of calling card Bystrinsky national district. Situated in the middle with. Esso, on the banks of the mountain solidifying waterway Uksichan. Here you can see the one of a kind things of shamanism, the first characteristics of the Evens. 

The Valley of Geysers and Caldera of Uzon: 

The Valley of Geysers - Geothermal Reserve on the Kamchatka Peninsula in the Geyser Valley, a tributary of the Kronotsky Gulf Pacific, a piece of the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve.Each of the springs is of a certain mode, emitting in a trademark just of his cadence, however they all work with perfect timing accuracy. Temperature termoproyavleny - up to 98 So. 


It's a wellbeing resort zone, found 30 kilometers from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Extends along the waterway valley Paratunka and its tributaries at a separation of around 30 kilometers. Picked up ubiquity on account of the various hot springs. In every area there motels, diversion focus or motel is warm pool. 

Kurilskoe lake 

Kurilskoe Lake - the second biggest freshwater lake, Kamchatka, is situated in the South Kamchatka State Reserve and is the biggest producing ground for salmon on the landmass. In the lake on the stream Lakeland consistently (from August to December) to bring forth goes to 2.5 million people precious Ozernovskiy populace of sockeye salmon. Sockeye salmon bringing forth along the coast and in the various waterways and streams streaming into the lake. It pulls in vast quantities of raptors and fish-eating flying creatures (osprey, hawk, merganser) and creatures (otter, fox, ermine, wolverine, bear). Creatures in this period, nourish only on fish eggs and salmon. Neighborhood and the shores of Lake Kuril long been known as a position of most extreme convergance of Kamchatka's cocoa bears. Be that as it may, not just the exciting exhibition bear angling will astound you - the lake itself uncommonly lovely. Lake untouched by human progress, as it is situated in the South Kamchatka Sanctuary and before it can fly a helicopter. It is found, encompassed by volcanoes Elijah slope and Wild Comb. Lovely and its islands: Heart Alaid, Chayachy and Samang. 

Nalychevo Natural Park 

Characteristic Park "Nalychevo" - one of the finest places in Kamchatka. In it - all appearances of Kamchatka nature: dynamic volcanoes, hot and frosty mineral springs, stone-birch woods, elevated glades, grand lakes and waterways, monster grass, the ocean coast. 

In the focal piece of the recreation center in the intermountain bowl in a generally little zone - 40 km2 - is concentrated a few hundred from hot (with temperatures going from 14 to 74 ° C) and chilly mineral springs. Warm mineral water Nalychevo Valley raznobrazny, their assets are substantial, and balneology esteem significant. Water greatest Nalichevo hot springs are an exceptionally uncommon sort of overall field such waters are uncommon. 

Khodutkinskiye warm springs 

Khodutkinskiye warm springs on the base of the caldera, framed at the site of an old fountain of liquid magma Khodutka thyroid, an immeasurable level knoll, which is lined patios of the stream right Khodutka among kamenoberezovogo woods and tall fields are more than two dozen outlets of warm waters. They frame a broad lake and waterway hot a length of 1 km and a width of 15-20 meters and a profundity of 0.5 to 2 m. The waterway makes Hot 115 l/sec of water, warmed to 49 `C (upper) to 37`C. The temperature of the sources situated on the banks of the waterway and at the base, at 80 `C. 

Malkinskiye hot springs: 

Malkinskiye hot springs are situated in a beautiful range, 5 km east of s.Malki on the left bank r.Klyuchovki (left tributary Bystraya River). The stream valley here has a width of 0,4-0,5 km and is limited on both sides of slopes

Виды отдыха Камчатке

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